Thursday, 16 February 2012


 During the autumn last year I played with simple one-a-day collages, allowing approximately ten minutes for each.  They used papers and prints I already had made at various times, and much of the focus was an exploration of composition:

 monoprinted and blockprinted white and coloured papers;

 wet-on-wet watercolour on hand-made paper; wet-on-dry on cartridge paper

oil-marbled and freely cut watercoloured cartridge paper (above and below)

inked pages from an old falling-apart guide, marbled paper, watercoloured paper, blue tracing-paper;

cut monoprint;

and cuts from the same monoprint with layered coloured tissue-paper.

I also filled two other sketchbooks, in different shapes (of which more later)  Lots of fun - and I learnt a lot too!


  1. These pages look great, some wonderful textures, colours and compositions, I'd love to see more, and to see if you develop any of them into textiles. Is that your plan Sandra? I hope so.

  2. Great collages Sandra and you've twanged my conscience! I came home from Summer School intending to make a collage a day and I havn't started! Good to see you blogging :-)

  3. Fantastic pages Sandra - all so interesting and different.
