Monday, 20 February 2012

Collages Part Two

More collages from last autumn - this time from an A5 sketchbook: the first two use ink drawings of beetles from the Leeds City Museums collection. Top - cut-out beetle on paper rubbed with soft pastel, plus paper coated with oil pastel, then indian ink, scratched and rubbed back; bottom one uses paper printed with iridescent paint, bought textured paper and paper monoprinted with lacy pattern from an almost exhausted marbling tray.

Above - wet-on-wet watercolour paper, wet-on-dry paper, plus monoprinted paper.

Two more using marbled papers.  Above - three different cut marbled papers, plus coloured pencil lines.  Below: oil-marbled paper with added pale water-colour and wet watercolour pencil lines plus translucent blue tracing-paper overlay.

Two using photoshopped photograph prints plus cut watercoloured paper and (in the bottom one) torn sugar-paper.

Top: monoprinted and marbled papers.  Bottom: scrunch-dyed tissue paper, bits of linoprint sampler, and watercolour "bullseye".

Many thanks for the comments on the earlier ones, and - yes - they are feeding into my quilting.  Plus being fun, and a good way of exploring composition.  All done very quickly as a sort of creative "starter" for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandra,
    I was so pleased to find your blog and wanted to get in touch just to say Hi and Thank you.

    Many years ago, I found a beautiful book in a book shop on dyeing to quilt. As much as I loved it, I was neither a dyer or quilter so I put it back. The next year, I found the same book was equally captivated, but decided that as it was American the dyes would not be available in the UK - and put it back again. A year on, I found the same book (different book shop) and gave in to fate. I bought it, and bought my first dyes from you. I still remember my phone call with you, how friendly you were. I told you that I loved bronzes and with the parcel, you enclosed a card giving me instructions to dye rusts, bronzes and golds. If you go to my blog you can see the quilt that I made from your instructions under 'about me'. I still dye all my own fabric and am now heavily into free motion quilting. I did try to track you down several years ago, but couldn't find you on the web - maybe my fault - so I was so please to come across you now. Many thanks for your kindness all those years ago. You (and the book!) set me off on a journey that I am still on. I shall now also enjoy coming across to your blog and keeping and eye out on what you are doing!
    Hilary Florence
