Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Pay it Forward

The picture is here just to get your attention.
Thanks to Marie at zquilts.blogspot.com/ for inviting me to participate in Pay it Forward. The idea is the sort of passing on of good things. The first three people to leave a comment on my blog will receive a gift from me of something I have made. I will need to be able to contact you so please either leave an e-mail address (you can do this by e-mailing me with it (address on my profile page) if you prefer. You may not get the gift next week or next month but I guarantee you will receive it within six months. In return you are required to post the same promise and invite people to participate, on your blog.
I love the friendliness of the internet - and really cherish my blogging friends so hopefully the gift will be worth waiting for!


  1. I love the idea! If I have six months to make things for other people, I can definitely do that! Count me in!

  2. I would love to participate in the Pay it Forward "gifting", as long as I can do it after the holiday rush. And I love the tree you started the blog entry with -- I'm a tree person!
    Great idea; thanks for starting it.

  3. I'd love to join in and would love a piece of your art work

  4. I'd love to join in and would love a piece of your art work

  5. Kate, I have just posted the Pay it forward to my blog if you want to sign up for mine.

