Wednesday, 28 November 2007

the macro button

One of the great things about blogging is it makes you work at your photography skills. In search of inspiration I spent a little time this morning in the back alley with my camera, which is only a point and shoot (one day I'll afford a digital SLR) but which has a macro button. The shot above is of a gatepost with peeling paint and a few cobwebs. The one below is two colours of peeling paint on an old garage door. All the other paintwork was, unfortunately, boringly pristine.

These I'm hoping will provide plenty of inspiration, either on their own or when I've played in Paint Shop Pro!

Still plenty of leaves around, and the colours seem particularly vivid against the browns and grays so prevalent just now.

Moss, dying leaves, cobwebs and a bit of brick wall make a fascinating abstract design.

The last of the blackberries...

A flowering currant leaf with wonderful patterning

and an old brick and dying mint-stems.
You don't need to live anywhere special to find inspiration - none of these was more than twenty yards from my front door!


  1. lovely photos Sandra
    warm regards

  2. Love the photos Sandra ! Our blackberries are long gone and the last of the mint is looking inedible for sure!
    Thanks for sharing your walk with us !

  3. Great pictures, wonderful details!

  4. Hi Sandra,
    I love your macro-pictures, great compositions ( I have this button on my camera too and I LOVE it:) and your pictures in general. Your blog is very inspiring! Have a beautiful Tuesday, I'll be back soon,

  5. Hi Sandra,
    Thanks for swinging by my blog and leaving a comment so that I could follow it here to you in Leeds!

    I really liked your snakes... ;-)

