Friday, 1 June 2007

Bixy - the good news, the bad news

Apologies for the long gap between posts. Life has got in the way soemwhat over the last couple of weeks.

Updating on Bixy - he has lost 600 grams in the last few weeks. The bad new is that this is mainly becuase he is ill, first of all going off his food then running a high temperature. My vet has diagnosed pancreatitis, which is potentially very dangerous. He is currently getting a series of shots every couple of days, which seems to be helping in that his fever is coming down, though he will still not take food or water. I have been feeding him babyfood with a syringe and giving him water in the same way: as you can imagine he doesn't enjoy this one bit, poor boy, though usually he seems to feel better afterwards. The same with the visits to the vet.

At least now I am able to think about when he gets better and not if he gets better - hopefully things will improve over the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Poor Bixy... I went though something similar - so hard for both the 2 legged and the 4 !
    I'll keep him in my kitty thoughts!
