Monday, 26 February 2007

what now?

OK so I've set up a blog - what comes next?

A bit of an introduction I suppose. First the quilts. I've been quilting for about sixteen years - we don't grow up with it in this country, though my great grandmother (of whom more later) was a quilter, producing hand-quilted items for the London market. Quilts I've produced in the past have been my own twist on traditional techniques, using my own hand-dyed fabrics for the most part. I began to learn to design my own via a City and Guilds course. After a break from quilting (all sorts of disasters including my husband's sudden death in 2000 and my own illness two years later (I am a cancer survivor) I am now up and running again, exploring new techniques. Whilst I still enjoy making traditional quilts I am becoming more involved in making art quilts, after taking Myrna Giesbrecht's Self Expressions course at Quilt University, a course which has changed my life in a number of ways.
Though I do have some good friends, who I see regularly, I can be a bit of a hermit a lot of the time, though I have very good neighbours, and four cats who when not making unreasonable demands give support and encouragement especially when I've fed them tuna.

1 comment:

  1. You and I have a lot in common. I decided on June 12th to 'pull the plug' and retire from teaching. I have 3 'snoopervisor' cats.
    You have been through a lot in the last few years ... good for you working through those difficult times.
    Your use of dyes and your quilted works are wonderful! It is strange how that desire to be creative can sit in the back of your mind and then explode.
